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TRANSAFRIKHA : A Concrete Hope

TRANSAFRIKHA : A Concrete Hope

TRANSAFRIKHA is a company that carry the project of the same name. TRANSAFRIKHA is the company for you to do business in Africa. TRANSAFRIKHA is the brand that will give you the path for Africa. TRANSAFRIKHA is the round table which will allow Africans and international actors to discuss openly, for their mutual benefit.

TRANSAFRIKHA Organisation is holding a concrete hope for Africa, and the world, hope that is being build from now, with vision and concrete.

TRANSAFRIKHA want a Transafrikhan eco-social network to be implemented; one of the main vectors of this ambition is the rail. Part of the larger Transafrikha Transportation scheme, the TRANSAFRIKHA Railway Network bring every instruments of prosperity to the territories and communities it is part of.

Considering the clear dedication of the People Republic of China to the advancement of the rail industry, considering all its efforts for the integration of its regions in term of communication, considering the will of the People Republic of China to participate in the construction of railway lines in Africa, it would be detrimental to the establishment of Transafrikhan railway network to not aknowledge the benefits of a cooperation with China in this field.

Considering the history of rail progress and network density in Europe and Americas, as well as in Asia, it will be disadvantageous for Transafrikha to not recognize the great interest of partnership with all the cited actors, regarding Transafrikha railway realization.

For everyone, and forever, please take notice of the eleven African nations that have been choosed after a long benchmark study by the Hgoah company, to held the first railway lines of Transafrikha (in alphabetical order):

Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Morocco, South Africa, Suda, Togo.

TRANSAFRIKHA Organisation will primarly act as the sponsor for the railway projects built in these countries, in the framework of the TRANSAFRIKHA Railway network project. Hgoah company is the global consulting firm of the Transafrikha project.

All TRANSAFRIKHA railways align with the following priorities; sustainable infrastructure, cross-border connectivity, and private capital mobilization.

All located in Africa, in the designated countries before, Transafrikha railways are intended to share the same modern technical criterias for better integration and efficiency, for example being standard gauge double-track railways, preferrentially electrified, connecting with each other thanks to linking rail lines. Therefore, each Transafrikha national networks is planned as a green and cross-border multinational network. TRANSAFRIKHA Railways are the following:


Algeria Transafrikhan North-South corridors

  1. Oran – Tindouf
  2. Abadla – Bordj Mokhtar
  3. Algiers – In Guezzam
  4. Annaba – Charouine
  5. Tamanrasset – Bordj Mokhtar

Algeria Transafrikhan East-West corridors

  1. Algiers – Maghnia
  2. Algiers – Constantine
    • Constantine – Annaba
    • Constantine – Souk Ahras
    • Constantine – Tebessa
  3. Reggane – In Salah
  4. In Salah – Djanet
  5. Ghardaia – Ouargla


Egypt Transafrikhan North – South Corridors

  1. Cairo – Aswan
  2. Suez – Shalateen
  3. Asyut – Dibis Bir
  4. Cairo – Alexandria
  5. Cairo – Suez

Egypt Transafrikhan East – West corridors

  1. Sallum – Suez
  2. Aswan – Shalateen
  3. Qena – Safaga
  4. Edfou – Marsa Alam

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Director GEVOS, Chief Editor K1FO News

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