
Images du 17 au 19 Janvier 2017 en Côte d’Ivoire | 2ème Partie

Images du 17 au 19 Janvier 2017 en Côte d’Ivoire | 2ème Partie

Les images de la journée du Lundi 17 au Jeudi 19 Janvier 2017 en Côte d’Ivoire

Soldiers of the Ivory Coast presidential guard patrol as they arrive at the port of Abidjan <span>by REUTERS/Luc Gnago</span>Tout le monde veut 12 millions de FCFA <span>by La Sève</span>People run as they leave the port of Abidjan after they heard gunfire, in Abidjan <span>by REUTERS/Luc Gnago</span>People run as they leave the port of Abidjan after hearing gunfire in Abidjan <span>by REUTERS/Luc Gnago</span>Soldiers of the Ivory Coast presidential guard patrol as they arrive at the port of Abidjan <span>by AFP / Sia KAMBOU</span>Soldiers of the Ivory Coast presidential guard patrol as they arrive at the port of Abidjan <span>by Sia Kambou / AFP</span>A soldier of Ivory Coast presidential guard stands guard at the port of Abidjan <span>by REUTERS/Luc Gnago</span>Ivory Coast Government implements emergency plan following mutiny <span>by Sia Kambou/AFP/Getty Images</span>People run as they leave the port of Abidjan after hearing gunfire in Abidjan <span>by REUTERS/Luc Gnago</span>Soldiers of Ivory Coast presidential guard patrol as they arrive at the port of Abidjan <span>by REUTERS/Luc Gnago</span>Soldiers of Ivory Coast presidential guard patrol as they arrive at the port of Abidjan <span>by REUTERS/Luc Gnago</span>Soldiers of the Ivory Coast presidential guard patrol as they arrive at the port of Abidjan <span>by AFP / Sia KAMBOU</span>Ivory Coast soldier killed as mutiny protests return <span>by Reuters</span>Soldiers of the Ivory Coast presidential guard patrol as they arrive at the port of Abidjan <span>by Reuters</span>At Least Two Soldiers Killed Amid More Clashes in Ivory Coast <span>by Reuters</span>

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